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Structured Gaming Sessions
For Preset Groups
So you and your tabletop game pals are looking for a new game experience? You've come to the right place! Whether you are a tabletop game expert or a newcomer, Heroic Commander (HC) and Heroic Commander Adventure (HCA) will both offer you a fun way to game with your friends and family. Whether you are interested in competitive strategy games or cooperative role playing games, both games are quick and easy to learn while also providing a strategic depth and customizability that more experienced gamers may crave.
We offer a variety of options for those looking to create structured gaming sessions for their preset group of friends or family. All participants must be 18 years of age or older (or playing with a parent/guardian who is 21 years of age or older) and have access to Steam, Tabletop Simulator, and Discord. All participants must agree to treat one another with kindness, respect, and dignity, and refrain from any illegal behavior. Sessions are only held in English.
Once you contact us, we will work with you to set up your gaming session(s) based on the following information:
1) The number of participants that will be playing (from 2 to 4).
2) The length of each session (from 1 to 4 hours per session).
3) The number of sessions per week/month (from 1 to 4 per week or 1 to 16 per month).
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Structured Gaming Sessions
For Randomly Formed Groups
So you are having trouble finding enough people who enjoy playing tabletop games? You've come to the right place! Whether you are a tabletop game expert or a newcomer, Heroic Commander (HC) and Heroic Commander Adventure (HCA) will both offer you a fun way to game with others. Whether you are interested in competitive strategy games or cooperative role playing games, both games are quick and easy to learn while also providing a strategic depth and customizability that more experienced gamers may crave.
We offer a variety of options for those looking for structured gaming sessions with others. All participants must be 18 years of age or older and have access to Steam, Tabletop Simulator, and Discord. All participants must agree to treat one another with kindness, respect, and dignity, and refrain from any illegal behavior. Sessions are only held in English.
Once you contact us, we will work with you to set up your gaming session(s) based on the following information:
1) Your preferred number of participants that will be playing (from 2 to 4).
2) Your preferred length of sessions (from 1 to 4 hours per session).
3) Your preferred number of sessions per week/month (from 1 to 4 per week or 1 to 16 per month).
4) Your preferred availability (days/times).
5) Your chosen class (Heroic Commander Adventure only).
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